Rules of the award:
1. You should display the One Lovely Blog award logo at the top of your post
2. You should thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to them in your post
3. You should add this set of rules to your post so your nominees know what to do
4. You should add 7 facts about you to your post
5. You should nominate 7 blogs and leave links to each of them in your post
6. You should notify each nominee so they know they've been nominated
7. You should follow back the person who nominated you on GFC (I don't have this) and Bloglovin'
Ok, now for 7 facts about me
I love to shop way too much
I want to start you tubing soon (no promises!)
I love Chinese and Japanese food and once had a sushi making party
I've been blogging for a month and a bit and love all my viewers
I'm not sporty at all...
But I'm grade 7 piano and have taught my self guitar and ukulele. I also want to learn bass
I love marina and the diamonds at the moment
My nominations:
A game of glamour
Luscious lane
Brunette Wavez
The life journal
Love from lou
Beauty by Kelsey
Please look at these blogs as they are some of my favourites and I hope you'll like them. xoxo